No-Contact Order

Protect Yourself Against a Violent Spouse or Family Member

Protect Yourself Against a Violent Spouse or Family Member

Reach out to a local attorney for assistance with a no-contact order

Unlike a random assault from a stranger, domestic violence is especially dangerous because the accused and victim may remain in close proximity. If you have suffered from one or multiple instances of domestic violence, it's important to understand your legal options for protection. File a no-contact order with the help of an attorney at McDavid Law, PLLC.

Our law firm can also defend clients accused of violating a no-contact order. Call us today for a free consultation.

What type of protection does a no-contact order provide?

A no-contact order is different from a domestic violence protective order. To file a no-contact order, you must not have a personal relationship with the accused. Because this determination can be complicated, it's important to consult with an attorney to better understand your options.

A no-contact order may prevent the defendant from:

  • Visiting or interfering with the victim
  • Harassing or stalking through physical or digital mediums
  • Abusing or injuring the victim further
  • Contacting the victim in any way through telephone, written communication or electronic means

If you do have a personal relationship with the defendant, you can file for a far more powerful domestic violence restraining order. Reach out to McDavid Law, PLLC today for more information.